What we’ve been working on

For the past year and a half, our team at GlueOps has been focused on building a developer platform that does more than just handle code deployment.  We saw a need for a complete solution that brings together all aspects of development, from preview deployments for initial coding through confidently running applications in production.

We’ve built a platform that enables users to focus solely on product development and be confident that infrastructure, metrics, logging, monitoring, and security are solved.

Our Objective

The GlueOps Platform makes development smooth, efficient, and enjoyable.  Our commitment to a superior Developer Experience means that we continuously refine our platform to anticipate and meet the evolving needs of our users, ensuring that they are always working with the best tools and technologies.  Beyond just a tool, we are a partner in your development journey.  We’ve already supported thousands of seamless deployments and we’re here to give you and your team superpowers. 

The way software is built and delivered is constantly evolving and that evolution has been accelerated by a growing focus on DevOps and Platform Engineering.

Why focus here?

The rapid advances in these fields, such as the maturation of the Kubernetes ecosystem, offer opportunities for more efficient, reliable, and faster development cycles. However, such improvements have also created complexity.

Developers and operations teams contend with myriad tools and technologies, each offering different capabilities while adding layers of complexity.  Organizations cannot disregard innovations in this domain and continue to satisfy their customers’ expectations for scale, reliability, and rapid product innovation.

Creating a developer platform is just the beginning: In addition to the constant upkeep of managing updates and upgrades, teams must reconsider tool choices as new technologies emerge.

This environment presents a challenge: How to keep up with the pace of innovation while managing an ever-growing stack of tools and frameworks?

We started GlueOps to create confidence in a landscape of evolving technologies.  The need for simplicity and integration is more critical than ever as the array of available tools expands. We’re not just providing another tool in the developer’s toolkit; we’re building a cohesive, integrated solution that simplifies the development process throughout the Software Development Life Cycle.  We offer both leading capabilities and confidence in reliability and performance.

We’d love to hear from you

As we continue to evolve with the industry, we remain dedicated to our mission: enabling all teams to leverage a leading developer experience. Our platform reflects our commitment to this mission and is designed to help development teams navigate the challenges of modern software creation with ease and efficiency to excel in innovation and develop exciting products.

Most of what we’ve built is publicly available: https://github.com/GlueOps

If you’d like to see the product in action, we have availability for demos: https://www.glueops.dev/book-a-demo

We look forward to sharing more as we evolve and grow!

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